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南北旺 豈止表面



產品廣泛應用于手機外殼、電子精密元件、門鎖、鋁型材、衛浴產品、汽車 (行李架,后三角,輪轂,輪圈)、五金工具、餐具、燈飾、鐘表、樂器(鋼琴、吉他)、家具等涂裝表面、醫療器材等產業。


Guangdong NBW Advanced Material Co. Ltd., Jiangmen NBW Polishing Materials Co. Ltd. Is professional researcher and developer, producer, and vendor of surface treating products. We take the most advanced technique and formula, to provide solution to customers when they face problem during surface treatment. We have been dedicated to create the top brand of surface treating materials in China, we are famous manufacturer of surface treatment materials, and enjoy high reputation inthis industry.

Our products covers a wide range of abrasive materials, polishing consumable materials, industrial detergent, polishing equipments etc., our products has been applied to the polishing of mobile phone cases, electronic precision component, door knobs and locks, aluminum profiles, sanitary wares, car ( luggage racks, rear side window frame, hubs, rims ), hardware tools, cutterlery, decorative lighting, clocks and watches, instrument (pianos, gituars etc) surface, furnitures, and medical equipments industries etc.

We have accumulate a lot of practical experience for solving problems on production site. We produce and distribute by ourselves in domestic and international market.




超越品質 客戶見證

NBW Clients

南北旺涉及手機、汽車配件、電子電器、衛浴產品、餐具、穿戴設備、醫療等行業,深受蘋果(APPLE)、美的(Midea)、奔馳(BENZ)、寶馬(BMW)、奧迪(AUQI)、大眾、福特(FORD)、豐田(TOYOTO)、本田(HONDA)、長城、澳美鋁業(PMI)、亞洲鋁業、鳳鋁、科勒(KOHLER)、九牧、橋椿(SUNSPRING)、長盈精密(EWPT)、捷普綠點、瑞聲科技、敏實集團(MINTH)、威卡威(WKW)、東箭集團(DJCORP、愛仕達(ASD)、勝利集團(Victory Precision)、東凌集團、堅士制鎖、珠江鋼琴、紅棉吉他等知名企業青睞,曾榮獲“美的集團”頒發的“技術貢獻獎“




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    2. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 旬邑县| 永济市| 阜新市| 色达县| 呼伦贝尔市| 扎兰屯市| 白水县| 青铜峡市| 嘉峪关市| 水富县| 华阴市| 沙河市| 高陵县| 陵川县| 腾冲县| 亚东县| 舒兰市| 阳信县| 楚雄市| 搜索| 桃江县| 汉源县| 淮南市| 汕头市| 上虞市| 浠水县| 正宁县| 芒康县| 隆昌县| 昌宁县| 曲周县| 蓬溪县| 永清县| 巴青县| 玉龙| 达尔| 宜兰县| 罗甸县| 尼玛县| 将乐县| 天长市|